Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Author Spotlight: Alex Dally MacFarlane

Ms. MacFarlane will gain the distinction of having traveled the farthest to be at the Sporty Spec East Coast Launch, all the way from England!1

She is currently working on a novel as part of National Novel Writing Month2. She has several stories and poems available online such as:

Roseilda's Tale at Reflection's Edge.

The poem Obedience on the Pyre can be read on The Pedestal Magazine.

Over on Farrogoblog: Behind the Wainscot, one may find An Epic of Egg-like Proportions

1Okay, she didn't travel just to be at the launch. It's actually quite lucky for us that everything worked out the way it did. Still and all, I think she should get some sort of prize.

2a.k.a NaNoWriMo, and I hope she is getting more sleep than I am, as evidenced by silly blog postings.


Alex D M said...

Hear hear! I like this talk of prizes. =D

(I'm rather thrilled that this party coincides with my trip.)

Todd Wheeler said...

Hi Alex,

I'm looking forward to all of us meeting each other.

Now, I must make good on that prize talk. ;-)